The Greatest Number Possible Number With 8 In The Ten T, Housands Place

The greatest number possible number with 8 in the ten t
housands place


With repetition:

89 999

With no repetition:

89 765

Step-by-step explanation:

If the numbers highest place value is the ten thousands place, then it means that it is a 5-digit number.

With repetition:

Since 8 should be in the ten thousands place, it should be written first followed by the highest one-digit number which is 9.

= 89 999

With no repetition:

Since 8 should be written in the ten thousands place, it should be written first followed by a digit higher than 8 which is 9 then a digit 1 less than 8 which is 7 then a digit 1 less than 7 and so on. So, the numbers will be in descending order.

= 89 765



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